Forget Price

Forget Price

“I’ve heard you say ‘forget price’ at least 10 times today. Surely that’s key for any business’ success?” I think I say it for dramatic effect really but having said that I think there is a real relevance to why I say it.  The...
Forget Price

The Behavioural Selling Model

“So, it’s been interesting today listening to your clients talking about the models that you have implemented, and they have obviously seen an increase in their sales and enquiries.  I mean, why do you think that’s had such a big impact?” I think...
A Harley, A Rolex and Gym Marketing made simple…

A Harley, A Rolex and Gym Marketing made simple…

My first question with new businesses I work with is ‘Who do you sell to?’. Not what do you sell or what are your challenges. Who you sell to is always going to have a greater impact on your business than what you sell. The market is generally always more important...