Clarity and Focus

“Clarity & Focus ; one product, one offer, one funnel, one ad source is the quickest and easiest way to £100,000…”
We have just finished an Accelerator One intensive for a new batch of clients or students that are coming into our programmes and it’s after days like this I tend to sort of do these off the cuff videos and…
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by | Jul 20, 2021 | Video

Hi guys, Adrian Marks, Accelerator Consulting.

I hope you are well.

It’s a beautiful sunny evening now here in the UK.

We have just finished an Accelerator One intensive for a new batch of clients or students that are coming into our programmes and it’s after days like this I tend to sort of do these off the cuff videos and just deliver the information. Because I find that the manner of frameworks we have or the programmes we run and the strategies we follow, it’s about the problems that people have and today was very much about people not understanding the need around focusing of clarity and when they come into the programme most people, in particular those that aren’t doing sort of more than $10,000 or £10,000, $20,000 a month, which to me is a build stage for every business, then it’s because they are probably too confused and they have got too many offers, they have got too many products, they are trying to sell too many things to too many people and they lack clarity and they lack focus and part of the Core Four framework which we take every client through on the programmes is understanding those four core metrics, those four frameworks. There is delivery – and that changes as you go from build and grow to scale. It’s not that important really in a build element. You need to focus on the other areas which are conversion and traffic but at the very very beginning is what we call economics and there is a framework which we have which is the strategic framework and its ultimately about focus. It’s about clarity. It takes you through who your perfect customer is, it takes you through what that perfect promise is that you make to them, it goes through the transformations that you are making for people and the value that that creates and therefore that dictates your pricing. Once you’ve got that in place it’s then about stripping it back and we have renamed our sort of entry level programme level last year and we started calling it Accelerator One.

Because actually we saw the biggest change for people also around the concept of one, we were taking them back to one product, one offer, one funnel, one ad source and ultimately aim to get £100,000.00 within a period of say 12 months, or 6 months, within that fast day monitor scale, and that requires actually chopping away at lot of the email sequence that you’ve got, it involves removing products that perhaps aren’t selling so well, it means removing funnels that are sort of overlapping with other funnels because you just don’t have the time, you just don’t have the energy to be able to deliver across too many things, so if you pull it back to one – one product with one offer across one funnel and just use one traffic source to start with, that is enough to build to £100,000.00 or $100,000.00 and it may be counter-intuitive to the way that you think, it’s definitely counter-intuitive to all those sort of guru’s out there that are trying to sell you the new a way of doing something or the new product, or a five-day challenge or webinar – I’m not saying those things don’t work but you choose one, you choose one that works that drives through and the way that people buy from you will dictate the funnel that you use.

So, it was just a quick video to go back and say to get clarity and focus get a piece of paper and go through what’s that one product that is driving the majority of your sales, taking the majority of your profit and what’s that one traffic source that you’re using to generate most of that money, and it will be there if you pull it apart. So, just today, start, take a step back and if you’re not at that £10,000 – £20,000 mark think about one – one offer, one product, one traffic source, one funnel. I guarantee it is quickest and easiest way to £100,000.00.

Anyway, listen thanks for your time, I’m going to head home, it’s been a long day. I hope you found this useful.

Want to know more?

1. Watch our free training. It’s a 35-minute dive into the 7-Figure Gym Formula and how you can implement the frameworks immediately to generate more enquiries, increase your prices and ultimately get more Clients.Watch it here

2. Request a free Discovery Call here and if you’re a good fit we’ll happily jump on a call and provide some guidance for your growing your gym business.