A marketing implementation, sales coaching and business growth programme that will skyrocket your gym's profits... Or you money back.
Book a Discovery call

Make your gym profits soar…

 If you are reading this, you probably fall into one of three categories; You don’t realise that you are in the ‘selling of gym memberships’ business and not the gym business, and therefore you struggle for a consistent flow of leads and regular profitable sales.

 Or you have too many ideas around direction and growth, too many ads running, too many pricing packages and too many offers for your business to grow effectively, and the confusion is strangling your business’s profitability.

 Or you simply feel it’s just time to have a professional, proven, process driven team to take your gym’s profitability to the next level to the next level… Without the hassle of having to do it, or figure it all out, yourself.

GYM ACCELERATOR is about simplicity:

It’s about helping you create absolute certainty on what you sell, how to package and market it successfully, to build a successful and profitable gym business.


Harness the 7-Figure Gym Formula™ to generate more enquiries, sales and profit.

The 7-Figure Gym Formula™ is at the heart of our flagship 12-month programme. It will help you build out the highly profitable gym you dreamed of.

Over 750 health clubs, bootcamps, boutique studios and gyms have been through the programme – most stay on board for a second, third and fourth year as their business continues to grow and the benefits of the programme start to compound month on month, year on year.

 We believe it’s testament to the programme’s effectiveness that 50% of our original Clients are still using the programme to this day.

 We implement the  programme into your gym so you can remove all your current barriers, frustrations, and concerns around growing your business:

 Take away the hassle of doing it all yourself – and focus on delivering member results.

 Add proven upsell and ‘conversion stack’ solutions to your members that alone can multiply the returns on your investment in weeks if not days.

 Get rid of the cost of an underperforming marketing agency or in-house resource.

  Never worry where the next lead or enquiry is coming from.

 Remove the frustration of fluctuating sales and profit.

We have helped 753 gym owners generate over 1.5M new members and over £1,2 BILLION in membership sales

The 7-Figure Gym frameworks make it easier and quicker to build, grow and scale your gym business. We will work hand in hand with you to create a highly profitable gym business, delivering programmes in 90-day segments for ease of implementation. Working with us you will;


Create a constant flow of low-cost leads into your business.

Get proven results driven sales tools for your gym to convert those leads into sales.

Increase your sales conversions overnight.

Increase your pricing options.

Get some members to pay up to 5X what you’re currently charging.

Use a proven model to bring new members into your business daily.

Get instant profitable returns on your marketing activity.

Drive your monthly cashflow upwards every month on autopilot.

in short… Build a highly profitable gym.


Providing everything you need for success…

When it comes to building your gym business the biggest barriers to your success lie within the clarity around your sales and marketing strategy – of your pricing, positioning, promotion, and profitability – and then with its implementation.

We will implement a full marketing programme for you – optimise your offer, set up your ads using our 4×4 Ads Model, improve your sales funnel, create a pricing structure that instantly increases sales, and generate you more enquiries and convert them into members.

We will help you deliver a marketing programme that includes prospects, ex-members, and referrals – across social, PPC, email, SMS, and traditional outreach and promotion.

As well as working hand in hand with you to implement your marketing we will also help you create effective sales and growth strategies across your gym business.

We provide the conversion frameworks, sales training and scripts, consulting  and a community of peers all focused on one thing. Business Growth. Whilst you get on with what you do best – delivering results for you members.


Is this right for me?

If you are a gym owner, franchise owner, or gym manager, that sells memberships, or 1-2-group programmes, then this will 100% work for you.

GYM ACCELERATOR has delivered amazing results, in all sorts of facilities – from budget to premium, big box to boutique, cross-fit to country club… and everything else in between.

Whether you need 200 hundred members or 2,000 it will deliver.

The programme is fully supported for you (none of that cookie cutting template stuff, leave you to it, watch the videos, poor excuse for support, here!)…

and is guaranteed to generate a return on investment within 90-days.

    Investing just 20-minutes of your time by jumping on a Discovery Call could be the most important 20-minutes you spend this year.


    The first step to taking your gym business to the next level is an initial 20 minute Discovery Call to see if we can help and whether we are a good fit for each other.

    10X your gym business's potential with the 7-FIGURE GYM FORMULA™.

    Download for FREE

    The 7-FIGURE GYM FORMULA™ has helped over 700 gym owners transform their sales, profits, and lifestyle. It has helped them generate over 1.5M members and £1.2 Billion in membership revenue.

    Start your journey today.

    Download your FREE copy of 7-FIGURE GYM FORMULA™ now.

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