How value-based pricing can fix your broken gym business

fix your pricing...
it's late in the evening and after another day with my Gym Clients, I’m always reminded that the easiest way to fix a struggling or broken gym business is to fix the pricing...
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by | Jul 22, 2021 | Blog

It may have a ‘papering over the cracks’ feel but it’s astounding the difference it can make to your revenue and lifestyle.

I regularly talk about the ‘inverse pricing issue’. Simply put the biggest obstacle to charging more within your business, is always yourself. Your inner beliefs on money and your imposter syndrome bias stop you believing you are worth more and stop you from grasping that your own relationship with money has no relation to others relationship with it.

What is expensive to you is cheap to someone else – and vice versa.

Earlier today, at one of my Kick Start intensives, we were going through what each Client wanted to achieve in the next year. Johan stood to talk to the group and went on to explain how, after our last intensive, he’d implemented the value-based concept into his business and what it had meant to him.

At the previous quarterly get together he’d been struggling adapting his membership product into a CONVERSION STACK MODEL with a high-ticket offer top end – I’d suggested he close his membership for a month and replace it with a high ticket package worth £3K.

Working on his mindset we managed to get Johan to see the real value in his services and products and what the real value was to his Members and small group Clients. We put together a rough outline of the programme, packaged it around value and helped him build out his offer.

Although Johan didn’t close his membership for four weeks, he had taken the bold step to offer the package as an upgrade to his members.

The outcome will change his business – and this is just the start.

He has gone from a static £25,000 per month in membership subs to generating almost an additional £15,000 in the first 30-days. Adding 60% to his monthly revenue but more importantly quadrupling his monthly profit for that month.

He now plans to run this hight-ticket package alongside his monthly memrshop offers every month. every quarter to his members. Even if his sales are 50% below what he achieved in that first month he will have doubled his profit for the next 12-months without spending a penny/cent more.

Want to know more?

1. Watch our free training. It’s a 35-minute dive into the 7-Figure Gym Formula and how you can implement the frameworks immediately to generate more enquiries, increase your prices and ultimately get more Clients.Watch it here

2. Request a free Discovery Call here and if you’re a good fit we’ll happily jump on a call and provide some guidance for your growing your gym business.