A Harley, A Rolex and Gym Marketing made simple…

A Harley, A Rolex and Gym Marketing made simple…

My first question with new businesses I work with is ‘Who do you sell to?’. Not what do you sell or what are your challenges. Who you sell to is always going to have a greater impact on your business than what you sell. The market is generally always more important...
Vanilla Ice, iPhone XS and the King of the Road

Vanilla Ice, iPhone XS and the King of the Road

With each passing year, products and services are getting more and more alike. Every product is becoming literally a carbon copy of other products in the same space. Cars are using the same platforms, engines, and in some cases bodies. The only difference is the...
The Economics of Freemium Marketing

The Economics of Freemium Marketing

This is why the freemium model (where companies offer basic products or services free of charge with an added premium for additional features) is growing more and more popular every day. But of course no business can make a profit from giving away free stuff, so how...
No one gets married on a first date

No one gets married on a first date

Adjusting your gym marketing to how people really buy Whenever I’m asked after events, or at meetings, which of the strategies we implement has the most profound effect on marketing results it’s this: As a business you need to align your marketing and sales funnel...