Referral Frenzy

Case Study 26
Working with one of the UK’s leading fitness chains we implemented a lead generation programme which delivered 13,628 member referrals in just three days.

13,628 Member Referrals in just 72 hours

Working with one of the UK’s leading fitness chains we implemented a lead generation programme which delivered 13,628 member referrals in just three days.

…And 3,712 of those booked an appointment, at their nearest facility, automatically within 12 hours of being referred using our Customer Generation Platform.

For this particular project, the whole process was driven through digital marketing and social media. We ran a number of proven emails over three days to the existing membership database and combined that with a paid for, social proofing exercise across Facebook. They were then ‘behaviourally’ funnelled through our software to maximise conversions.

To achieve these results, we added three Behavioural Selling Strategies™ to the marketing campaign, which when combined amounted to a 10x return against their normal referral campaigns.


Cost Per Referral Lead: £1.17

Cost Per Acquisition: £6.28

Lifetime Value: £1,557,740

Cash within 30-days: £86,530

RIO: 97:1

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